Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Review:The Fantastic Fear of Everything

Ok, well I got a little movie review for you. This caught me by surprise because it was actually just the next film Freevee put on. I hadn't even known this prize existed. The film is titled The Fanatic Fear of Everything. The film stars Simon Pegg as a man who literally fears the outside world. He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that a serial killer is out to get him. Besides Simon Pegg the film also features Clare Higgins or Hellraiser and Hellraiser II:  Hellbound fame.
This film has a brilliant production design, which shows the world through the main characters eyes and psyche. The only annoying thing is the sound design. Dialogue is low volume while incidental music is extremely loud and jarring. I gather this is on purpose but it gets annoying after a while.
But, on top of everything is Simon Pegg's brilliant performance as the eccentrically paranoid crime author whose research into Victorian serial killers has made him a wreck. He looks like a red haired Serious Black with his crazy tuff of red hair and matching beard. Pegg royally shows his brilliance as a physical comedian. This is truly one of his best roles in this unappreciated film.
If you want to see a truly mind blowing dark comedy this film is a treat.