Monday, November 29, 2021

JJ Abrams is fucking over Constantine fans for the WOKE assholes!

Constantine fans need to realize that JJ Abrams is going to fuck them over. He is going to hire a black guy to play John. It is because of this disgrace that Matt Ryan was pulled from the roll.
Just forget this series is even going to be made because it is not for you, but is for a bunch of WOKE assholes who would never pick up a Hellblazer comic if it was thrown in their faces by Keanu Reeves or Matt Ryan, even though in the comics and on Legends of Tomorrow John was bisexual. It's all about spitting in the face of the fans and showing us that John is the property of Warner Corporation and they can do whatever the hell they want with him...Assholes!


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Thank God it's over for another year...

 Thank God The Rondo Awards will be done with for another year at midnight tonight. I get so tired of the overload of ego cases playing the good ole I'm better than the rest of you crap. Just because you got a shelf full of cheap resin busts don't mean you are great. What makes you great is the fans and the work... The rest is all vanity and gloss and it is never fair.

Here is a bit of truth about myself. If I was as much of a delusional ego case, like some of my denouncers say, I would have walked away from horror years ago because even though I put my blood, sweat, and soul into my work I get treated like crap by a lot of people in this community. All I've ever asked for is fair treatment but a lot of assholes think that's too much. Shit, I got kicked out of The Horror Authors Guild based on a picture that was obviously photoshopped, but no one cared to even listen to me and even allow me to point this out. I just got kicked out and treated like guilty until proven innocent. So, don't think that this community treats its members fairly, that is the real delusion.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Goodreads supports harassment of authors on their website


Well, I just deleted my Goodreads account. I’m done with Goodreads because they support harassment and cyberstalking.

For the last several years the cyberstalkers have been harassing me and getting pretty much all the good reviews on my books taken down and have been using fake profiles of myself and others to constantly write disgusting “reviews” and messages on my books and those of Christopher Highland. This situation has cost me readers and potentially damaged my reputation.

The last straw happened when Goodreads blatantly refused to pull an obvious fake profile of me, the avatar was a six hundred pound naked person with my head badly photoshopped on it. This cyberstalker was writing all over my books that I was getting married to a gay friend of mine. They even went so far to make a fake profile of my friend backing up their assertions. Now, get this straight assholes I’m heterosexual. I’m not homophobic for saying this. The person using the fake profile definitely is because they are constantly rubbing homosexuality in my face on Goodreads and the comment section of my blog.

Another reason I’ve also cut all ties with Goodreads is because they just took down the ability for people on their site to flag and report abusive content. I used to be able to flag the cyberstalker’s “reviews” and disgusting comments on my and other’s books. I was forced to constantly do this. Now, Goodreads has pulled that ability, thus allowing harassers free reign.

The only reason I’m writing this is to let other writers know of this situation and to give them a chance to express their displeasure of the way Goodreads is handing this kind of abuse and writers on the internet in general.

This is not a time to sit on your hands and just ignore the situation. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve walked away from this, that says something. This crap needs to end and it is up to YOU, the writers, to say no more.

And to the low life pieces of shit that have harassed me on Goodreads for the last several years. You have won nothing. It is Goodreads that has broke the trust with the writers of the internet. It is Goodreads that has turned its back on the writers. So, will you accept this like cowardly fools, my fellow writers?