Friday, January 13, 2023

Is This Film Any Good?

What does it say about a film if all the major horror mags give it a 4 or 5 out of 10 and only posted a synopsis of the film but no opinion on it. It is almost like they are afraid to give an opinion...
Also, this film has gotten a few public reviews and the major issue that the story is that it is just the same thing over and over again with the male lead saying the same line over and over again.
But the worst part is these filmmakers, who have been making films for over a decade, have shown that on their own their lack of filmmaking skills are showing. The main thing people have complained about is the sound design. Supposedly the sound is really bad and to make it even worse the filmmakers put loud music that drowns out the dialogue, which I don't know if that is a good thing or not.
Also, according to the public reviews, the editing is horrid as well. What I've heard that the filmmakers should have cut half an hour to 45 minutes out because the mid point of the film drags.
So, people? Thoughts?
Consider this a what if...