Well, I just went and erased another 50 emails from Eric
Morse fans. In 90% of them I got a variation on “ I’m so sorry you were banned
from that con, Miss Misery is such an asshole for doing that. When are you going
to be at a convention near me?” Here is your fucking answer NEVER! Honestly, people, I feel like going completely
off. These people in these emails obviously know about the convention drama.
They fucking know I been told in no uncertain terms that I am not welcome in “The
Scene”. The Ftards that think they make those decisions have said that and YOU,
all of you, have pretty much backed that shit up. So here is my question, why
the fuck am I getting these damned emails…Why do they come in days after day. I
ask the fans for support, and yet I get shit in return. Then, as if to rub salt
in my wounds, they keep bugging me about getting into conventions. You want me
to be at conventions then get off your lazy asses and bug the shallow assholes
that banned me and pushed me away until one of them breaks down and signs me.
Stop emailing me and asking me. Do you realize how much it hurts me. It is like
you are slapping me in the face.
Oh, and to my friends, stop calling me and emailing and
telling me what a wonderful time you had at such and such convention. That is
like rubbing salt in my wounds too. If I’m not worthy or welcome to come and
hang out with other horror fans then I don’t want to hear about others doing
it. I’m not that much of a saint and I’m tired of people thinking I’m supposed
to be. I have to tolerate seeing posts on Facebook, but stop rubbing it in my
face. I’m done with it. If I had had some support from the horror community those asses would have
never pulled that shit of banning me….So, I’m sorry to be honest, but I blame
you. So, don’t talk to me about conventions…I don’t want to hear.
This does not mean that I’m not going to do my new show with
Lucas Marlone and Mary Madcox. Oh, no. You’ll hear what conventions are coming
up from me. But if I sound excited and enthusiastic….The Academy
Award goes to William Pattison, aka Eric Morse. Just remember that….
And here is a little music to fit the mood....