Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Call them Jen and Sylvia Scrooge
I have to laugh my ass off about this. Sylvia Soska just made complete and utter asses out of her and her sister. A friend of mine who is following Jen and Sylvia Soska just passed on the fact that Sylvia Soska just compared herself to Frank Cross (the Scrooge character played by Bill Murray) from Scrooged. How appropriate. She is comparing herself to a heartless, greedy, self absorbed, asshole. The way she and Jen are acting in regard to the situation with me, I have to heartily agree. It is called a Freudian slip and it is very telling, people. And so true. What wrong Sylvia you looking in the mirror and not liking what you see....
Oh, I can see the email Jen sends Sylvia after one of their butt kissers tells her about my post...."What the fuck, Sylvia? What the fuck are you doing? We are supposed to present ourselves as loving and about everyone and you say you feel like Scrooge? Are you fucking nuts, sis? We are supposed to be fucking fabulous, not self absorbed, greedy bitches. Even though we are...LOL" Yeah, I can see that confab of The Twisted Twins....LOL. The truth hurts, ladies.
So, ladies, your subconscious is getting the better of you. It even thinks you’re self absorbed, greedy, assholes. Wow that is fucked up.
Where is Carol Kane when you need her?