Thursday, July 19, 2012


I just checked the number of hits on my blog and I just hit 300. That is outstanding. I didn’t think I’d hit that number of views in so short of time. You guys really love me, or possibly royally hate me, which would be the more amusing possibility. If you are truly a free thinker and like my blog, please friend me here on Blogger or subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss upcoming blogs. I’ve been on a roll lately and have posted six very powerful blogs in a short time. I sincerely doubt I will keep up this pace for very long, but I will continue to blog when I have something I feel strong about. I’ve found on Facebook that my opposition keeps acting like asshats and pushing Facebook to censor me. I’ve gotten a number of notifications from that social network, mostly from people complaining out of spite or because they believe I’m stepping on their social groups toes. None of the posts they’ve complained about were particularly offensive. It was mostly that I was telling the truth and they don’t like it. So, I plan to use this blog to express myself and I will simply post links to it on Facebook and my group on Facebook, Assholes of Horror. That way if the asshats complain about my links I simply lose links the message is still going out, so I get the last laugh.
So, I’d like to say thank you to the 300 readers who brought me this far. I look forward to the next 300…