Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh, but you’re wrong….

Recently a person I’ve known for three and a half year cut ties with me. She said that one of the reasons she was cutting ties with me was because I had publiclly attacked three of her friends, one who was a close friend. She said that according to these people they did not know I even existed and that they didn’t know why I was attacking them. Then she claimed I was attacking these “innocent” people because I feel I’m not getting the proper recognition from the horror community, thus I was trying to drag these people down. Oh, and also the reason I am doing this is because I have a mental disability, naturally.
Amusingly enough this comes from a lady who was indeed diagnosed with a mental problem…I remember things too…
Here is the truth, or if you want to side with my former friend, the truth according to my delusional brain. The close friend this person mentions is none other than Kane Hodder. The attack she mentions is that I spoke of my disgust at the fact that Kane Hodder while doing a paranormal investigation at Rolling Hills Asylum decided for laughs to piss in three of the closets there. I know about this incident along with horror fans and the paranormal community because Kane wrote about this incident in his book UNMASKED. Now, personally I’m disgusted with Kane’s actions because not only is that desecration (if you believe in ghosts or not) but Rolling Hills is owned by Sharon Coyle who trusted Kane and The Hollywood Ghost Hunters only to have him piss on her home ( Yes Sharon does live in the asylum.). But that is supposedly totally acceptable to this ex-friend of mine. Also it seems that I and my associates at The Eric Morse Projects are assholes, sorry I mean me, because we are still pissed because Kane Hodder thru his assistant Author Mike (my ex-friend’s other buddy) on three separate occasions was scheduled to be on The Eric Morse Project, only to have Author Mike inform us that Kane was cancelling at the last minute. I should make note here that it was my co-host Count6String that dealt with Author Mike, whom he’d known from the convention scene. Anyway, the last time Kane, through his representative Author Mike, cancelled on us was five hours before the show because Kane was taking a flight at the time the show was going to broadcast. Well, supposedly Author Mike knew about the flight for three weeks but decided to inform us at the last minute…When my co-host questioned this Author Mike (Kane’s representative) stated that it was no big deal because we were just some public access podcast and weren’t paying Kane anyway…So, we are wrong to be pissed? Excuse me. Also, my ex-friend said we were being stupid to blame Kane for the actions of Author Mike. Excuse me, Author Mike was representing Kane Hodder, therefore in a business sense anything he told us and the way he treated us reflected on Kane as a business and was supposed done as Kane’s will. If this is not so and Kane has issues with how he is being represented then he needs to get an assistant that will show him in a better light….But of course I’m attacking Kane and Author Mike without good reason.
The final of my ex-friend’s buddies I’m supposedly attacking without good reason is Adolfo, one of the heads of Days of the Dead. Well, Adolfo is also a moderator on the forum for the site From Dusk Till Con (Note this situation was talked about in full in my blog, How NOT to incur my Wrath). I opened a thread asking fans to email the organizer of the convention Days of Terror. Adolfo allowed a number of members of the board to attack and insult me. When I talked about calling in the moderator Adolfo came on to the thread and reassured my attackers that he would not take any actions to stop them from attacking me. Then when one of my attackers said that I should never be allowed to be a part of a convention Adolfo said they wouldn’t have to worry, that he would make sure I didn’t get signed again….So I’m an asshole and being ridiculous for being pissed at Adolfo for saying this. Then of course after I continually publically mentioned the fact that Adolfo had said I was blackballed from conventions Adolfo emailed me and he didn’t know why he had earned my ire. I ignored him because nowhere in his email was an apology and I found his false amnesia insulting. The thing is I was a guest at Days of the Dead Indianapolis in 2011. Also, it was Adolfo who made me and Derek Young wait for half an hour at that convention because he had to decide if we could attend the VIP party. Also, both Adolfo and I had been on at least four podcasts together as guests. So Adolfo saying that he didn’t know I existed is a flat out lie. So anyway, after Adolfo’s initial email, which I ignored, he sent me another email saying now he wanted to get to know me and would sign me for the next years Los Angeles Days of the Dead. Again I ignored him because I didn’t trust him (wonder why) and at this point he should have read enough to have a full bio on me, given I had repeated it over and over as I stood up and fought to try and get into Days of Terror. Of course then Adolfo emailed me again and insulted me. He called me a coward because I didn’t answer his emails, though I did mention them in my posts for my group, Assholes of Horror. He also called me a sad glory hound with a mental disorder (this seems to be a constant way to cut down the opposition). But according to my ex-friend I have no good reason to think this person has personally attacked me…wow that is obvious.
But of course because they are her friends they are beyond reproach and I’m of course that nasty wrong person who is attacking all these people who have helped so many others…Yeah, help people in their little elite exclusionary community of the convention scene which I am not welcome because I won’t kiss their asses. Guess what, Angela, I don’t kiss ass…and this so called mental illness you’ve said I have, it’s a family trait. None of my family kisses ass and we pity the fools that dare cross us or expect us to. I’m actually the more mellow, calm, and merciful member of my family, so be warned.
Just because I stand up for myself doesn’t make me a glory hound and it doesn’t make me wrong..
Oh, and, Angela, for a person who says they don’t give a shit about horror, you definitely got your head up the ass of the horror social scene…just my little observation, since you love to observe things.
Since as is obvious my friendship was of so little value to you, it is good riddance to a false friend…